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by 나사빠진UFO



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"The Only Hope For Me Is You"

(Remember me, remember me)
Remember me
Remember me
Remember me
Remember me

Where, where will you stand
When all the lights go out
Across these city streets?
Where were you when
All of the embers fell?
I still remember them
Covered in ash
Covered in glass
Covered in all my friends
I still think of the bombs they build

If there's a place that I could be
Then I'd be another memory
Can I be the only hope for you?
Because you're the only hope for me
And if we can't find where we belong
We'll have to make it on our own
Face all the pain and take it on
Because the only hope for me is you alone

How would you be
Many years after the disasters
That we've seen
What if we learned
Of all the people burning
Purifying flame
I'll say it's okay
I know you can tell
And though you can see me smile
I still think of the guns they sell

If there's a place that I could be
Then I'd be another memory
Can I be the only hope for you?
Because you're the only hope for me
And if we can't find where we belong
We'll have to make it on our own
Face all the pain and take it on
Because the only hope for me is you alone

The only hope for me
The only hope for me is you
The only hope for me is you
The only hope for me is you
The only hope for me is you
The only hope is!

If there's a place that I could be
Then I'd be another memory
Can I be the only hope for you?
Because you're the only hope for me
And if we can't find where we belong
We'll have to make it on our own
Face all the pain and take it on
Because the only hope for me is you alone
The only hope for me is you alone


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